And out of nowhere antelopes where on the loose. Or were we the ones on the loose?

Oryx, a small antelope is considered Qatar's national emblem, such as the symbol of the national airline, Qatar Airways, and the mascot of the 2006 Asian Games.
We bumped into these beauties on our off road adventure, later to find out that the Al Maha Sanctuary is the only breeding place in Qatar for the Oryx. They went form being close to extinction to now producing 75-100 calves each year, thanks to the sanctuary.

After we visited Film City, and on our way to Mystery City (read more about both of this places soon on the blog), we spotted ostriches and right besides it, the oryxes. Of course we had to stop for pictures and to appreciate these beautiful animals. What we failed to notice was that they were loose, they could move freely, even tho it looked like they had barriers it was just part of it.
It was definitely nice to see that they could move and do as they pleased and they were completely chill about it.

Make sure to add the Al Maha Sanctuary to your list when visiting Qatar. You can either add it to your tour schedule or just visit it by itself.
Until next time, Jailene